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Ebonclad pdf download

Ebonclad pdf download

Appendix D: Collection of Tables: Creating Random Citizens Random Loot: Squalid Citizen,Ebonclad - A Thieves' Guild Setting & Adventures

WebJun 5,  · You'll receive the Ebonclad campaign setting hardcover book in addition to the PDF, as well as ALL of the Dungeons on Demand add-ons, redeemed via digital WebEbonclad - A Thieves' Guild Setting & Adventures. 5th Edition Levels 1–4 pages. Inside Ebonclad you'll find: pages of setting lore and history, accompanied by WebYou'll receive the complete Ebonclad campaign setting in PDF format, redeemed via digital download from DriveThruRPG. Click to download Terrabella's PDF, and browse for the WebJan 28,  · Ebonclad a thieves guild setting & adventures free pdf Published on January 28, March 25, by zachary A thieves’ guild is a trope consisting of a formal WebOriginal Title: Ebonclad_split Uploaded by Jorre Deschuyteneer Copyright: © All Rights Reserved Flag for inappropriate content of 3 Appendix D: Collection of Tables Creating ... read more

I literally just replaced it with 9x9 baduk. Rye H December 28, pm UTC. Hope the holidays have treated you well. I purchased the setting a few weeks ago, and will soon be starting up a campaign in the Silver City using the sample missions. The only thing that I'm concerned with is that they're almost too good— I'm worried that I'm going to have trouble creating missions after that point with as much character and intriguing options! I've read through the suggestions in the book itself on mission ideas, but wanted to ask if you had any more specific tips on coming up with "paths" for the missions to take; the way you included several options for tackling each job was fantastic and I feel like I would need to do the same to give a campaign justice.

or anyone else who has purchased the setting and has had some great missions! Cassiel H December 03, pm UTC. What subclasses come in the book? only for rogues or also for some other classes? Dan C December 05, pm UTC. Thanks for your question Cassiel. The campaign setting focuses on the thieves, assassins, spies, and enforcers in the guild, but none of those roles are class-specific in game terms although rogues certainly fill all of those well! That said, I've done my best to make the setting friendly for any class. Since rogues and many other classes have great subclasses based on stealth and subtlety, the subclasses presented here round them out by providing options for barbarians, fighters, paladins, and sorcerers. In addition to the subclasses, you'll find more character options including backgrounds, spells, feats, and equipment to flesh out an urban setting and life in the guild.

Dustin C September 04, pm UTC. have you updated files yet to run in printer friendly? Dan C September 04, pm UTC. Dustin - there are a couple black and white illustrations, but the vast majority are full color. The download includes a printer friendly version that removes the background graphic from each page so the printer isn't using ink to cover the entire spread. David V June 06, pm UTC. can Ebonclad be put into a custom campaign based in the Forgotten Realms or is it in a completely different universe? Christopher C July 03, pm UTC. Sure not a problem at all. Requires no specific details in your world at all. The main city in the campaign is a port city and most of the details in the book are about that city and the thieves guild and people within it.

As long as your setting allows for a larger city, it'll fit into most campaigns. Dan C July 04, pm UTC. I apologize David, I did not receive a notification for your comment. Christopher C is right; you can use it in the FR or a homebrew world all the same. There is nothing setting-specific in it. Thanks for answering for me Chris! Ethan G April 18, pm UTC. I have yet to run this, but I love everything about what's provided and it's layout. The artwork is a little inconsistent, but excellent nonetheless. I especially love that there are several versions of the PDF, like high and low res, and best of all: a printer friendly version! The player version is also an awesome addition. I just wish the player version had a printer friendly version as well. Thank you for this excellent product!

Dan C April 19, pm UTC. You're very welcome, Ethan, so glad you're enjoying it! I had a request for a printer-friendly version of the Player Guide as well, and now that I've settled down from moving I will try to get that included for everyone soon. Dennis C March 07, am UTC. Dan, I bought the supplement and I'm enjoying reading thru it. I'm currently setting it up for use in roll Have you considered porting this over to the roll20 Marketplace so that it can be purchased as a module or game add-on? Might be worth looking into. BTW, I just wanted to comment on your video trailer. I have to be honest with you and say that it didn't do anything to encourage me to buy the product. If Ebonclad was a work of fiction that would be an exciting trailer, but it's actually a DM resource and, as a DM, what I really wanted from that trailer was someone walking me through the contents and telling me how the supplement was going to help me run a thieves guild game.

In the end, I took a chance and bought the product and I'm glad I did, but a more informative trailer would have made it a much easier decision. Just my 2¢. Dan C March 07, pm UTC. Thanks Dennis! Glad you're enjoying Ebonclad. I don't have any current plans to put Ebonclad on the Roll20 Marketplace, at least not personally. I have licensed my materials to Support Class for creation on that platform. For me, it's mostly a time issue; I'd rather spend the time working on new content if I can. The fine folks at Support Class have already turned a couple of my adventures into modules over there, so it's definitely possible though Ebonclad is a much larger scope than any of the individual adventures. Thanks for your feedback regarding the video. It was used as a Kickstarter video and was made as the content was coming together. Now that it's established, it's not a bad idea to go back or make another one with a deeper explanation of what's inside. Dustin C March 06, am UTC.

Do you have a Version of your Series like that i can Purchase? its already in my Cart for the Longest. Dan C March 06, pm UTC. Thanks for your enthusiasm, Dustin! I've played all the earlier editions, but 5E is my specialty. I don't have anything I could offer you for 1st or 2nd edition. Others have converted Ebonclad for use with different editions, settings, and game modules, however. So, if you're keen on picking out new monsters and reskinning what's written, you should be able to use the adventures included in Ebonclad with a little legwork on your part. The spells, feats, classes, and items are more specific to the 5E system and will be more challenging to convert.

There might be analogs you can find or create for them in the system of your choice, but I can't speak to that. I hope this helps and thank you very much for your support! kevin P February 04, pm UTC. Is there a player version that I can let my players use so they don't have the full book with all the other information about the guild, characters and such? Dan C February 04, pm UTC. Thanks for your comment Kevin. I've updated the title to include a separate PDF file for player reference. This is, essentially, just Chapter 4, detailing all the new setting options for player characters. If there's additional information you want your players to know, perhaps about the guild's inception or Kintallan culture, you'll have to pull it out from the existing document.

You'll also want to review the player reference to ensure there are no details exposed there you'd still want to keep secret. Thanks for your support! kevin P February 05, am UTC. Thank you! My players are loving the campaign setting so far. This will really help. Dan C February 05, pm UTC. James L February 17, pm UTC. Thanks for the players reference. Any chance of having a print friendly version of it? I'd like to have a few copies ready for session 0 without killing my toner. Dan C February 20, pm UTC. James - I can make one for you, but not anytime soon, unfortunately.

I'm in the middle of a move and the design PC won't be set until after the first week in March! George F January 20, pm UTC. Dan C January 20, pm UTC. I'd hesitate to say it would be an easy conversion overall, as some things translate better than others. For instance character feats, subclasses, and backgrounds are really ingrained into the 5E system, and you might have trouble adapting it elsewhere. Other things, like equipment, poison, NPCs, and missions are less about the numbers. My recommendation is to look at the preview, there's a little bit of everything in it, and see if it's something you can work around.

It definitely can be done, but it's going to take some time to do so. Alastair C December 06, pm UTC. The setting and background is strong and adaptable to your game world, then you get lots of well scripted charts and random tables, a host of well thought out NPCs, a load of handy story seeds, and then a small campaign's worth of well designed missions with plenty of variety. This is, quite literally, everything I want as a GM and so very rarely find. I am very impressed! Dan C December 06, pm UTC. Thank you so much for your glowing review, Alastair! I really appreciate it and am happy you are so pleased with the product. Alastair C June 21, am UTC. I've gone on to run an ongoing Ebonclad campaign, finding it an exceptionally good mission-driven setting for one or two night pick up adventures I can easily run over Roll20, as well as having elements I have brought into my main tabletop campaign.

The strong narrative driven setting and vast flexibility in how to approach missions and challenges in an urban environment has proven fantastic for running very open-level games one a tiered-level basis ie: level characters can all play together, level , etc and still all contribute and have fun. I have been really delighted with every one of the adventures in the book; each one has been well thought through, and is clearly presented to make information readily available. I've appreciated having both hardback and pdf options to flick through or have on the screen. The NPCs and associated artwork have been very characterful, and the interactions they are set up within the adventures have been so memorable that they have stuck for example a certain enthusastic See more drinker and his bay turtle friend have ended up popping up a few times now to the delight of my players, as a recurring minor game assist.

All in all, this is one of the best RPG settings and products I have had the pleasure of using in nearly 3 decades as a DM. Many thanks! Eapen L August 31, pm UTC. Ebonclad is another outstanding Dungeons on Demand Product. The setting is well defined and has interesting NPCs for your party to interact with. I was especially impressed with the random generation tables for random NPCs. The art was uniformly excellent. The encounters are excellent and flexible enough to incorporate into an existing campaign. Great product and worth the hardcover purchase. Eapen, I don't know how I missed this comment!!

Thanks so much for the review and thank you again for supporting me :. Robert R July 02, am UTC. On page 6, the final sentence of the left column is "You can" I don't think the sentence continues elsewhere or I just missed it lol but it looks good so far :. Dan C July 02, am UTC. Thanks Robert! We're going through everything now for the next couple weeks to weed out errors precisely like this. We appreciate it :. Gordon D. i love this product i love everything it adds to the 5e experience Well crafted and amazing [ A customer. Few scenarios seem to use their range of criminal skills.

Some may remember the excellent Thieves' Guild materials by Kerry Lloyd and co-workers, which [ Alastair C. This is an exceptional setting book, packed with characters, resources, and a series of strong and well-presented adventurers. Major publishing houses don't manage to produce work of this quality or relevance. Having run this campaign setting now for [ Michael B. A Thieves Guild campaign setting something I know a LOT of people have been hoping to find. It is VERY well thought out. It includes tables for random pickpocket gains based on the social status of the victem. It contains interactions between diff [ You can easily incorporate these scoundrels into the setting, or modify them for use in your own game world. Each NPC is supplied with a rich backstory and character motivations, 5E statistics block, and profession art. This supplement is intended to grow with the Ebonclad setting. Each time the setting is expanded with content, so too will the Gallery of Thieves.

Ideas for NPCs included are submitted by gaming community members - meaning you can help influence the next face you see included! This title was created for use with the ; Ebonclad ; campaign setting. Don't have Ebonclad yet? Grab a copy today! Login My Library Wishlists. New Account or Log In. Hide my password. Get the newsletter. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. Log In with Facebook. Log In I am new here. Remember me. Error: No match for email address or password. Password forgotten? Click here. Advanced Search. Ebonclad: Gallery of Thieves. From Dan Coleman Productions.

Average Rating 11 ratings. The night's reach grows longer. The current installment of Gallery of Thieves includes the following NPCs: Alice of Treva Dexillian "Jabber" Diggerbody Girter Gearhollow Kora Ravenhair Tyr'Aiglos Wyatt Ferris Gallery of Thieves is evolving content, created from community input! Do you have an idea for a new NPC? Share your idea with author Dan Coleman on Facebook! Inside ; Ebonclad ;you'll find: ; pages ;of setting lore and history, accompanied by lavish illustrations and short stories to bring the setting to life. Dozens of ; new NPCs , from generic stat blocks for thieves in the Ebonclad guild or town guard, to specific characters living in the city.

A ; primer on thievery , for characters who live the life of crime. Over 30 random ;street encounters ;with different customization options a GM can use. New ; urban chase complications ;specific to the setting. More than a dozen ; encounter area maps ;saved as PNG files to print or use online. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 2. Please log in to add or reply to comments. Jimmy R September 27, pm UTC. This is an awesome supplement to the book. I don't "run" Ebonclad as a proper setting, but I have need to drop in NPCs for my players to "make contact with" periodically and these are all really good!

Plus they have interesting stats should they need to enter battle. However, even in non-combat, they have some useful stats and specialities. Nice job! Dan C September 27, pm UTC. Drew B. Dan's work in Gallery of Thieves is like his work in all of his other projects: top notch. Tyr'Aiglos was a character idea that I had buzzing around my head for some time but never got to fleshing out since I generally am the one DM'ing. I trusted Dan [ Michael T. While I am admittedly possibly a little biased, as one of the characters currently in this supplement is based on my idea, I think that this is a great addition to an already great supplement to the on-going tabletop gaming community.

One thing that I [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. Honor Among Thieves Spotlight. Guild Adept. Keys from the Golden Vault. Rime of the Frostmaiden. Previous Storylines. Product Type. Core Rules. Character Options. Resources for DMG Creators.

Lankhmar City of Adventure PDF. Uploaded by Mike Redd. Document Information click to expand document information Original Title Lankhmar City of Adventure. Copyright © © All Rights Reserved. Available Formats PDF or read online from Scribd. Share this document Share or Embed Document Sharing Options Share on Facebook, opens a new window Facebook. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Copyright: © All Rights Reserved. Available Formats Download as PDF or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate content. Download now. Save Save Lankhmar City of Adventure. pdf For Later. Original Title: Lankhmar City of Adventure.

Jump to Page. Search inside document. Non-Player Characters : Chapter 5: Factions and Guilds of Lankhmar. Chapter 7: Nehwon's Monsters. Lindau Mustrations jeff Easley LANKHMAR, NEHWON, FAFHRD and the GRAY MOUSER, and llcharactors and the distinctive likenesses thereo! are trademarks of Fritz Leiber and: tased with permission. Distributed tothe book trade by Random House, Inc. Sndin Canada by Random House of Canada, Lt, Distributed to the oy and hobby trade by regional distributes, Dstbuted in the United Kingdom by TSR Uk tu. TSR, Inc. Game Design © Copyright TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Indeed, in his introduction to thi Series, Leiber takes great pains to inform the readers of the invaluable role played by Harry Fischer in the creation of the heroes.

From the fist, it seemed that Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser were tobe heroes not in the somewhat traditional mode of a Conan or a Tarzan, but unique among the many worlds of fantasy. The pair are shameless thieves as well as enthusiastic drinkers and wom- anizers. They love le with a raw gusto that cannot help but infect a reader with a lite of the same enthusiasm. The land of Nehwon is no less mysterious nor dangerous, and holds promise of even more adventure in its uncharted and secret comers. Beyond this, however, you will find paths leading to adventures: and escapades to come, bounded only by the limits of imagination. in the City of Adventure. To the uninitiated, the summaries hint at what all the excitement is about. Even the Cita- del of the Overlord, with its fabled Rainbow Palace, is described.

A form, complete with a map of each district, Is provided so that you can note any pertinent information in an easy-to-find location. Three other characters, to round outa potential party of adventur- ers, are also described. But remember, you'd better watch your step. The main tales are chronicled in a series of six books by Fritz Leiber see side- bar. Other tales of the Barbarian and the Gray One have appeared in short-story anthologies from time to time. At best, we can sketch the sequence of events and roughly suggest the time duration of each, following hints from within the stories. you are both a Leiber fan and a Dungeon Master, your cam- paigns may already have developed a Lankhmarish flavor. While Nehwon's known inhab- itants are almost exclusively human, there are large, unexplored areas whose natives may resemble dwarves, elves, or halflings. The tales of Fathrd and the Gray Mouser are chronicled by Fritz Leiber in six books, each of which has the word "Swords" in its name.

Hi father, Nalgron, was an equally strong-willed man who resisted the traditional ruling power of the women. Whenever Nalgron saw a high mountain, he climbed it. He climbed White Fang in disobedience of Mor's command, and he died there. Fathrd sus- pected the spiteful revenge of Mor's sorcery as the cause of his father's death. Fafhrd tums his back on his lover, Mara pregnant with his child , and on his dominating mother and the narrow society of his clan. Fafhrd narrowly escapes the sorcerous vengeance of his mother as they travel south 10 Lankhmar This story offers many details on the culture of the northern barbarians and describes the traveling entertainment troupe that brings Viana and Fathrd together.

You may want to use either society as background for a Player Character. The child of Fathrd and Mara may undertake a pilgrimage to find his or her father, with suitable adventures along the way. Ivrian unwittingly leads the Duke and his men to Mouse; he is taken prisoner and his black sorcery foiled. However, under torture, Mouse is able to focus his hate and rage. Channeling through a cooperative vr- ian, Mouse blasts the Ouke with this current of black power, then escapes with Ivian and heads for the city of Lankhmar. Who are his parents? Could he be the offspring of some evil wizard, perhaps an ancient enemy overcome by Glavas Rho? Immediately drawn into fellowship by mutual respect and complementary dispositions, the two gather with their respective women at the Mouser's Bones Alley hideout.

Hristomilo, the guild sorcerer, sees through their imposture, forcing them to flee, but they leave the reputedly impregnable headquarters in disarray and contusion. This story describes the typical watch routines, general layout, humble operatives, Guildmaster, and guild sorcerer of the power. The description of the Mouser's hideout inthis story sug- {gests thiefly ambition and execution on an extraordinary scale. PCs in your game may be guild opera- tives who are sent in pursult. Some will find their quarry and encounter the perilous companions. Few details of this early period have come down to us in leg- end, verse, or ballad. At most, we have a bare outline of their tra- vels, occupations, and more dramatic encounters. Later they visit the beggar city of Tovilyis, which Mouser believes to have been his birthplace, though no conclusive evidence is discovered. While numerous set- {ings and situations are mentioned in passing, none are detalled.

Uncharted lands east beyond Tisilinit, Including the Empire of Eovamarensee, a decadent country where men, dogs, cats, and rats alike are hairless. Searching the Cold Waste for news of Fathrd's Snow Clan, reportedly massacred by a horde of Ice Gnomes, Could Fafhrd receive such news without an impulse to track down and revenge himself on the murderers of his once-love and first child? What dark truths might shroud the Mouser's past? What agents conspire to conceal the past from him? Ungaan had designed the treasure house as a trap. The jewols of his treasure became th and malevolent edifice. The building has two methods of attack: the hypnotic terror it inspires and the physical attack created by distorting its shape, using walls and towers to club and crush its victims.

The adventurers are content to escape with thelr lives. Was it a burglary? Were the pair guests of Rannarsh or in his employ at the time? Rannarsh might have lived in Lankhmar City or in a neighboring region, allowing this adventure torange throughout the countryside. Fafhrd and the Mouser pursue Fissi into Thieves House, where they find Krovas, strangled to death, and Ivis, his mistress, escaping through a secret passage with the skull. In a subsequent scuttle, Slevyas smashes the skull of Ohmphal. The spectral thieves appear to wreak their revenge on Slewyas and, in the confusion, Fathrd, the Mouser, and Ivis escape.

Casually passed over inthe story isthe task of overcoming the fabled locks, traps, and guardian beast of the Crypt of Votishal beneath the Temple of Votishal. There is no description or loca- tion given for the temple, but itis presumably outside Lankhmar, a ride often days or s0. Since Votisha's worshippers are devoted {o stealing reasure from evil thieves, PCs might be drawn there either to steal rom the accumulated treasures nthe tomple, or to become devoted thieves of Votishal-a perfect vocation fr the skilled thief of good alignment. Possible adventures include sojourns in the labyrinth beneath to explore, plunder, or assall or free from tor- who dweil there. Ourph, their Mingol sailing slave, accompa nies them and tells part of their story. Fathrd and the Gray Mouser abandon their ship, bidding Ourph to sail without them "We are dead men, Return if you can. There they encounter the doom ordained to them.

Unable to kill the reptilian creatures in melee, the Mouser is inspired to smash an unhatched egg, which surprisingly contains the embrionic fig- tre of the pale man with the buiging forehead. The barbarian and the Gray One are left with the problem of returning to the Eastern Continent without their boat. This is the first of the stories in which Fathrd and the Gray Mouser are driven to their fates lke robots or puppets by powerful sorcerers, gods, and demi-gods. Often, as in this story, the key to success is otto fight, but to find the key to the puzzle. In this story, they are driven halfway across Nehwon just to melee with some monsters. Leiber is trying to create a sense of tragic doom for his heroes, Which requires robbing them of their tree will. Playing the game involves making choices. Being a Puppet is suitably tragic, but not always enjoyable gaming, I moderation, however, such puppeteering can be fun.

An occasional encounter set up like this story can be effective and challenging—a combat set piece or a single encounter with a Central problem to solve. However, the best adventures allow the players to feel they have control of their characters.

Ebonclad a thieves guild setting & adventures free pdf,From the community

WebOriginal Title: Ebonclad_split Uploaded by Jorre Deschuyteneer Copyright: © All Rights Reserved Flag for inappropriate content of 3 Appendix D: Collection of Tables Creating WebYou'll receive the complete Ebonclad campaign setting in PDF format, redeemed via digital download from DriveThruRPG. Click to download Terrabella's PDF, and browse for the WebEbonclad Pdf Download - Wakelet postbullconlo @postbullconlo Follow 3 items Ebonclad Pdf Download thieves guild adventures No items have been added yet! WebJun 5,  · You'll receive the Ebonclad campaign setting hardcover book in addition to the PDF, as well as ALL of the Dungeons on Demand add-ons, redeemed via digital Web views pages Lankhmar City of Adventure PDF Original Title: Lankhmar City of Uploaded by Mike Redd Copyright: © All Rights Reserved Available WebEbonclad - A Thieves' Guild Setting & Adventures. 5th Edition Levels 1–4 pages. Inside Ebonclad you'll find: pages of setting lore and history, accompanied by ... read more

text 1. Reincarnate Spelljammer Update - Dragonmarks Reincarnate Spelljammer Update - Dragonmarks. See All Reviews. Jimmy R September 27, pm UTC. Remember me. The Adventures in middle Earth series are GREAT if that setting appeals to you.

Lindau Mustrations ebonclad pdf download Easley LANKHMAR, NEHWON, FAFHRD and the GRAY MOUSER, ebonclad pdf download, and llcharactors and the distinctive likenesses thereo! One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. From Dan Coleman Productions. Consor- tium fields may cover a thousand acres or more, and are gener- ally tended by sharecroppers or indentured servants. In this story, they are driven halfway across Nehwon just to melee with some monsters.

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